KNDO demands withdrawal of Tatmadaw’s military bases taking positions near Battalion 4 in Taungoo District


Su / Myo Gyi (NP News) - April 26
The Battalion 4 Taungoo District of Karen National Defence Organization released an announcement on 25 April calling for the withdrawal of Tatmadaw military bases positioning in the territory of Battalion 4.
In the KNDO’s announcement, it is stated that the Tatmadaw military bases have been deploying in the territory for more than a decade and the positioning of these military bases show no apparent benefits towards Kayin ethnic and local people.
The announcement said Tatmadaw’s military bases came into hindrances to the locals when gardening, cultivating and goods transportation as providing negative impacts on socio-economic development of the local community.
Again the announcement highlighted that the KyeeChaung military base and 48-mile KooDeay military base are imposing threat to local people. Landmines are the main threat to the daily life of the local community.
The KNDO forewarned in the announcement to have the military bases completely retreated within 15 days. Providing still positioning in the territory, military action will be imposed.
The KNDO has recently announced calling for the withdrawal of Tatmadaw military bases in Lay Kay and Wintarpan stations locating in Battalion 2, Thadon District by April 23.
Fire exchanging has recently occurred between KNLA and KNDO (armed wings of the KNU) and security forces of the SAC.