17 EAOs have potentialities to attend peace dialogue: Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun


Khit/ Myo Gyi (NP News) - April 28

Information Team leader of the State Administrative Council, Major General Zaw Min Tun told, during the 13th press conference held in Naypyidaw yesterday (April 27), that there are some good conditions for the peace talk as 17 ethnic armed groups of both NCA signatory and non-signatory groups are potentially attending it.

The Senior General Min Aung Hlaing invited the leaders of the EAOs saying he will meet them in person recently.

Ten EAOs that have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement include:
1. Karen National Union,
2. Restoration Council of Shan State/ Shan State Army,
3. Pa-Oh National Liberation Organization,
4. Chin National Front,
5. Karen National Liberation Army,
6. Democratic Karen Buddhist Army,
7. All Burma Students' Democratic Front,
8. Arakan Liberation Party,
9. New Mon State Party and
10. Lahu Democratic Union.

Major General Zaw Min Tun said, “A total of nine from NCA signatory groups made contact to us. I’d like say we have good conditions for the peace talk as they are potentially to attend the dialogue.”

Non-signatory groups include:
1. United Wa State Army
2. National Democratic Alliance Army
3. NSCN-K National Socialist Council of Nagaland- (Khaplang)
4. Kachin Independent Army
5. Karenni National Progressive Party
6. Kachin National Congress
7. Shan State Progressive Party
8. Ta'ang National Liberation Army
9. Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
10. Wa National Organization
11. ArmyArakan Army

The government has contacts from eight groups from the abovementioned non-signatory groups.

The peace talk invitation does not include NUG or the PDF since the groups are considered as terrorists by the SAC.

Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun said, some EAOs are cooperating with or supporting the NUG/PDF. If they continued doing so, the territories belonging to ethnic could be affected.

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