No official rank or opportunity could persuade the SNLD: Sai Nyunt Lwin


Khit / Myo Gyi (NP News) - May 4
Chairman of Shan National League for Democracy Sai Nyunt Lwin told that the SNLD couldn’t be persuaded or deceived by offering any official rank or opportunity throughout the party’s political history and the SNLD will follow the party’s policy whoever takes the leadership role.

Sai Nyunt Lwin told the abovementioned statement to the NP News while attending Khun Tun Oo’s funeral, a deceased Shan leader, at Yayway Cemetery on May 2.

“Look at the political journey of the SNLD. We were offered and given opportunities with the official ranks. We could even ask for business opportunities. But none of us took advantage. We have never changed our deep political convictions due to the positions or ranks,” he said.

“The CEC members laid down the party’s policies and principles. When U Khun Tun Oo chaired the party, he firmly followed the principles as he was the leader. So leaders of the political parties need to obey the party’s principles and lead the members with unity. The SNLD won’t split into two groups. That’s the leadership skill of the leaders,” said Sai Nyunt Lwin.

Although the previous government offered the SNLD governmental ranks or positions, the SNLD did not accept any of them.

Sai Nyunt Lwin took the chair of the SNLD after Khun Tun Oo resigned the position in early 2021 due to his condition of health. The late Khun Tun Oo chaired the SNLD for more than 30 years.

Currently, Shan National League for Democracy has not yet accepted to be audited and examined by the Union Election Commission’s investigations on political parties. The UEC warned the SNLD to come to the designated place within the given timeframe to accept the examination. However, regarding this case, Sai Nyunt Lwin said, “No comment and it will be okay.”

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