KNU announces activities implementation within Mone Tsp requires permission from KNU


Su/ Myo (NP News) - May 24
Karen National Union (KNU) released an announcement to the public on May 23 that any activity that needs to be implemented within Mone Township, Nyaunlaybin District, Bago Region by the community shall ask for permission from the KNU.

In the announcement, KNU office (Mone Township) follows policies, rules and regulations laid down by the KNU (Headquarters) and district office. The KNU is enforcing within the territory for social security, regional security, rule of law, and peace and stability. Thus, any activity to be conducted within the territory ruled by the KNU (Mone Township) shall require and ask for permission from the relevant township in accord with rules and regulations.

Projects related to education, health, social and economic conducting within Mone Township included in this announcement, the announcement says. Drugs and gambling are prohibited within the territory. The announcement also states that ‘Any failure to abide by the orders or violations against the law shall be taken serious actions as per the KNU’s disciplinary action rules’.

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