Deputy Chief Commander calls for tuning to prevent armed conflicts in Rakhine State


NP News - June 14
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services Vice Senior General Soe Win visited Rakhine State on June 13 and met with military officers, servicemen, and their families saying the whole public should involve in fine-tuning the arisen situations to avoid reoccurrence of fire exchanging within Rakhine State.

Vice Senior General Soe Win said that the indigenous ethnics from Rakhine State suffered from defects in socio-economic matters; experienced deep pain due to the lack of tranquility. Therefore, all ethnics and the whole public have to be in tune correcting the arisen situations to prevent other armed conflicts in Rakhine. The Defense Services is carrying out formulations in moderation not to disturb the tranquility.

Troops and servicemen were urged by the Deputy Chief Commander to conduct regular training for military operations being alert with self-consciousness and always ready to fight in the battle so as to make sure preserving the tranquility of Rakhine State.

However, spokesperson of the Arakan Army (AA) Khine Thu Kha told that, during the press conference of the AA held today (June 14), the Rakhine people did not have real advantages of the peace even in the period when no fighting occurred in Rakhine.

Khine Thu Kha said, “Maintaining the status quo, the military and political situations of Rakhine State have not yet confirmed anything. Situations depend on the military movements of the Myanmar army, and battles may occur at any time.”

On the other hand, another Rakhine armed force ‘Arakan Liberation Party’ meets with the government negotiation team in Naypyidaw from June 13 to 15 for peace.

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