Human Rights Council hijacked by some countries: MOFA


NP News - July 9
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of State Administration Council lashed out that Human Rights Council has been hijacked by some countries to push the domestic situations of others in the direction of their preference.
The MOFA released the statement on Human Rights Council’s policy on July 8.
It is observed that a number of unhelpful events against Myanmar were organized during the 50th regular session of the Human Rights Council which was held in Geneva from 13 June 2022 to 8 July 2022, the statement said.
The Permanent Mission of Myanmar in Geneva has made specific responses and objections to the discussion and resolution made on 7 July 2022 by the Human Rights Council under a resolution namely “Situation of human rights of “Rohingya” Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar” which was again tabled by the OIC.
The said conducts of the Human Rights Council clearly indicate the magnitude of selectively targeting Myanmar, a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, to create divisions and distrust among its population under the pretext of human rights, the MOFA remarks.
It is disturbing to see the Human Rights Council becomes a platform which no longer follows its principles and purposes but being hijacked by some countries to push the domestic situations of others in the direction of their preference, said in the statement.
Myanmar, therefore, reiterates its objection against the decision of the Human Rights Council to discuss the matters in the absence of the country concerned and rejects the draft resolution as a whole which contains elements infringing the sovereignty and integrity of the country.
While the country has been granting appropriate citizenship status to the eligible persons regardless of their religions and ethnicities in accordance with the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law, Myanmar reiterates that it does not recognize the invented term “Rohingya” as it has never existed in legal and historical records of the country. Myanmar further strongly objects the usage of such terminology, the statement says.