Schedule 1 and 2 of Constitution focused in peace talks

Khit/Myo Gyi (NP News) – Aug 26
The government’s peace delegation team and three ethnic armed forces exchanged opinions and discussed demands related to Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of the Constitution.
The peace delegation and Pa-O National Liberation Organization, Arakan Liberation Party and Lahu Democratic Union met and discussed on August 23 at the conference hall of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Center in Naypyidaw.
Peace negotiation team led by Lieutenant General Yar Pyae discussed Schedule 1 (Union Legislative List, Schedule 2 (Region or State Legislative List) of the Constitution, and step-by-step plans and implementations of the peace process in the post-2020.
Similarly, delegations of the PNLO, ALP and LDU discussed desires and demands with regard to Schedule 1 and 2 of the Constitution.
PNLO chairman Khun Thu Rein, LDU chairman Kyar Solomon and ALP vice-chair Saw Mra Raza Linn attended the talk invited by the State Administration Council.