Northern-based rebels reportedly kill Shanni Buddhist monk


NP News - Sep 8

Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA) released a statement on September 6 that a Shanni Buddhist Sayadaw was killed by a group of rebels affiliated by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and PDFs.

The Sayadaw is named Naungpat Sayadaw U Gandamar who is a Central Executive Committee member of Union of Shanni Sangha (Myanmar). He carried out missionary on Buddhism, Shanni literature and Shanni ethnic developments.

The KIA and PDF combined group abducted and killed Sayadaw on September 4, the statement expresses.

The SNA said, “Killing a Buddhist monk brutally is an inhumane act, which also threatens Shanni ethnics and the Buddhism.”

The SNA statement continued that those rebels are the group that is committing crimes and violating human rights covering under federal-democracy and revolution.

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