IBEC to present Myanmar’s real situation to UN again


NP News – Sep 10

The International Buddhist Education Centre’s (IBEC) principal and Stockholm World Peace Prize Holder Buddhist Sayadaw Dr. Ashin Sobhita is planning to present more in-depth on-ground situations of what is happening in Myanmar in the upcoming High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 13-26, Sayadaw told NP News.

“This time document involves more detailed information. Names of the victims, their addresses and their occupations are involved. I’ve emailed the documents to the UN Secretary-General and representatives of the nations that will be participating in the upcoming UN event,” Dr. Ashin Sobhita said.

As a matter of fact, a total of 54 Buddhist monks and nuns; 45 educational staff; and ten from the health sector, as of August 8, 2022, have been killed under alleged informers/traitors by the terrorists.

Killings in Myanmar are committed by both sides actually; it isn’t only by the military. Buddhist monks, nuns and monasteries are attacked as terror targets by the PDFs. However, the international media published only committed by the military. They don’t disclose that the PDFs are committed those inhumane crimes, IBEC Sayadaw said.

In fact, most victims are the full-fledged monks or the presiding Sayadaws with old ages having resided many years of monkhood.
Most terror assassinations occurred in Sagaing, Magwe and Mandalay regions.

Sagaing, Magwe, and Mandalay regions undoubtedly are the religious centers in Myanmar where Buddha sasana is the most bloomed. Sagaing, with its hills and valleys, numerous temples, and caves dedicated to the Buddha is the best place for meditation, learning the Buddha's teachings, and fulfilling religious goals with noiseless and peaceful.

Many venerable Buddhist Sayardaws were born or learned the Buddha's teachings or resided their monkhood mostly in Mandalay, Sagaing, and Magwe regions throughout history until the present time.

Sadly though, the two religious centers in Myanmar - Sagaing and Magwe regions - become terror targets committed terror attacks on Buddhist monks by the terrorist PDFs.

In most terror plots on Buddhist monks, the terrorists who named themselves as '2021 crisis Revolutionists' claimed responsibility of those terror plots against Buddhist monks.

However, no one is daring to say against the PDFs with regard to those terrorist deeds. That is a bitter truth happening in Myanmar, a Buddhist country.

Dr. Ashin Sobhita said, “No one dares to say that Buddhist monks are killed brutally in a Buddhist country. We have to speak the truth so that the world will recognize it.”

“If they don’t believe, they can investigate the cases according to these addresses. Because I added more information in detail this time,” he continued referring to the external community.

The IBEC Sayadaw submitted a document which expresses that Buddhist monks and nuns have been brutally killed in Myanmar by so-called People Defense Forces known as PDFs to Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres in early July as the first time when he visited the United Nations.

He also represented the Myanmar issues on August 21, 2022, at the World Peace International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden.

Since the military takeover in February 2021, there have been subsequent attacks against Buddhist monks and nuns, education and health civil servants, and civilians by the so-called people’s defense forces known as PDFs.

Data says nearly 5,000 Myanmar citizens, in precise 4,949 as of August 31, 2022, have already died in the current political crisis within nineteen months since February 2021.

Troops and forces of the Tatmadaw, EAOs, or PDFs do not include in this list yet as the figure is based on the statistics received and reported by NP News so far.

There are other terror incidents in the country within the crisis period that are beyond the reach of journalists.


Moe Zaw Hlaing

10/09/2022 11:27

We pay respect Sayataw.

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