Myanmar demands Bangladesh to have immediate actions against rebel bases on its land


Tun MT (NP News) - Sep 20
Myanmar notified the Bangladeshi side that trenches and bases of the Arakan Army (Rakhine ethnic armed group) and ARSA (Bengali terrorist group) locate on Bangladesh’s land committing insurgency against the Myanmar government, and called for Bangladesh to take necessary immediate actions.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar released a press statement yesterday (September 19) regarding the fire exchange between the state troops and rebels this month at the borderline.
Director-General of the Strategic Studies and Training Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zaw Phyo Win summoned the Bangladesh ambassador yesterday (September 19) and clarified the bona fide on-ground situations of what AA and ARSA launched destructive firing against Myanmar state forces in the borderline area.
With respect to the current crisis that happened in the west door of the country, Myanmar always abides by bilateral agreements and international norms while handling those insurgencies along the borderline. Myanmar also respects the integrity and sovereignty of all nations, including Bangladesh, the MOFA statement expresses.
In vice versa, full and reciprocal cooperation from the Bangladesh side is undoubtedly needed to maintain the borderline tranquility, the DG reportedly said.
“On 7 September 2022, the Bangladeshi side was notified of the information of the trenches and bases of the AA and ARSA terrorists located inside Bangladesh through diplomatic channel and reiterated Myanmar’s call to take necessary and immediate actions to investigate on the ground and dismantle those structures and bases,” the statement expresses.
In fact, joint forces of the AA and the ARSA launched rocket shelling against the Myanmar state forces. The rocket, however, reached over the police outposts and landed and exploded on Bangladesh's side in recent days.
The weapons that exploded in Bangladesh were reportedly identified as 170 MM rockets that the Myanmar military doesn’t use; in fact, the insurgents especially those allied with Kachin Independence Army – AA and PDFs are using.
The joint rebels of the AA and ARSA terrorists attacked Border Post BP-40 on September 1 with mass excessively outnumbered troop forces. The rebel troops were nearly 500 forces while the border guard police forces were only twenty at the outpost. Tatmadaw reinforcement troops failed to help the small outpost to defend.
Yet again, reports say Bangladesh provides shelters for both AA and ARSA on its territory, no doubt that backing their insurgency against the Myanmar government.