Latest population in Myanmar reaches 55.8m

Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) - Oct 3
According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Immigration and Population, the size of the population in Myanmar has increased to 55.8 million this year as of October 1, 2022 where it was 55.2m in June 2021.
This latest population figure is calculated based on the 2014 National Census, the ministry said.
Among 55.8m, women outnumber men with 29.1m and 26.7m respectively.
Statistically, Yangon Region is the most populous with 8.9m people and Kayah State is the least with 0.3m.
The Ministry of Immigration and Population aims to conduct the national census in 2024; preparations and planning have been ongoing. The project will be carried out by approximately 42,000 enumerators on a total of 110,000 plots with a face-to-face data collection method ‘Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI)’.