A country eroded by terrorist acts will inevitably be retarded in development: Army Chief


Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) – April 18

The Chairman of the State Administration Council as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, said that the country being eroded by the terrorist acts will inevitably be retarded in all round development.

The Army Chief underlined it during his Myanmar New Year Inauguration Speech for 1385 ME.

The Army Chief also said that “The country’s peace and stability play an instrumental role on the way to formulate the democratic practices. Such country that is threatened by the terrorist acts cannot perform developmental tasks. However, if we follow the slogan “Keep Moving Forward to Achieve Our Goal” and prioritize the well-being of the Union, we can surely implement the development of our country.”

Moreover, he also added that they are trying to implement save and secure environment for each and every citizen in the future and struggling to achieve food security so that the citizens can enjoy longer lifespans.

Therefore, he continued, the SAC is trying hard to promote agri-based sector such as agriculture and livestock in order to ensure food security for the people. They are also promoting on the agri-based products as the national objective.

“Within 2021, Myanmar had encountered economic crisis. However, in 2022, the country’s economy bloomed from negative sign up to + 3 percent due to better production and better border trade.” the army chief said.

He also added that “I strongly believe that if all of us are able to struggle for the promotion of export sector, the economic development of this year will be much better than the previous years. The binding force of a family is family spirit and similarly the binding force of a nation is its national spirit. We should have brethren spirit and work hand in hand to promote the development of the nation. If we are united, we can achieve our common goal.”

The Commander-in-Chief urged that “Therefore, Myanmar New Year 1385 is the time to fix our weaknesses and time to promote betterment for the country.”

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