25 political parties in Myanmar issue joint statement to lift sanctions


NP News - June 4

A total of 25 local political parties have issued a joint statement on 28 May to withdraw the unworkable sanctions imposed by the American and west group that only harms the public.

The joint statement presented that the national government, relevant organizations, and ethnic people who want peace and stability are making efforts to solve the internal conflicts that arose after the 2020 multi-party democratic general election. However, many innocent civilians have been killed, private properties have been destroyed, socio-economic infrastructures that have been built for a long time with the public's tax funds have been damaged, and the future lives of the young generation have been destroyed by the destructive and extremist politicians (NUG and their puppets PDF terrorist groups).

Their joint statement also highlighted socio-living of the public becomes a hardship; those hardships associated with rising robbery, kidnapping, arson, threats and violence. Instead of taking a positive approach and helping to protect the peace and stability of a country, the international communities have been using sanctions as a method to develop the policy of modern colonialism.

In fact, American’s sanctions against Myanmar have been criticized impracticable and ineffective but only contaminate the socio-economic of the Myanmar people, international columnists recently pointed.

In reviewing the sanctions imposed on Myanmar, there involve blocking of private assets, cutting off government support, blocking of socio-economic processes, freezing of money transfers, banning goods exports, banning travel rights, suspension of communication with international organizations, isolating, banning the right to vote in the world organizations, banned from attending any global meeting on patent.

The statement also claims that those sanctions lead to purposeful limitations such as pressuring a country; and restricting freedom, development, stability, and the future peace and prosperity of all people of the country, and it is found to be in clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 7 " All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.”
In addition to this, the joint statem­e­nt also stated that those sanctions violate the UDHR’s provisions of “sovereignty is bas­ed on the equality of all members” and “ref­r­aining from the threat (or use of force) ag­a­i­nst political freedom in international relations”.

Although the sanctions purposed to punish the national government, the actual situation is harming the entire Myanmar public and forcing them into a vicious cycle and suffering. In addition, such actions will only cause events such as delaying and halting the 5-points roadmap undertaken by the State and damaging the scene of a free and fair election.

Therefore, to withdraw the sanctio­ns imposed on the country as soon as possible, 25 political parties, including the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), have issued a joint statement stating that the countries of the world should consider the actual impact of the situation.

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