Lion Battalion conducts extrajudicial measures against villagers near Chaungnakwa, Mon State


Hsu/ Iris (NP News) - July 7

Local sources have reported that the Lion Battalion Commando, led by Lieutenant El Say Wah, has been consistently abducting and executing civilians from villages around Kyaikmaraw Township, near Chaungnakwa village, accusing them of being informants.

Due to the recent losses in Chaungnakwa battles and precise targets by the Tatmadaw’s heavy weapon explosion, the Lion Battalion’s resentment towards civilians have been growing.

On 26 June, a reliable source told The Statesman that the Lion Battalion, led by the infamous one-handed El Say Wah alongside Commanders San Shwe and Salo, has executed over 20 people this month alone, including young migrant workers from Yangon and women. Villagers near Chaungnakwa live in fear.
The source also added “Fearing reprisals, the source deletes messages after discussing local events with friends elsewhere in Myanmar.” The Lion Battalion confiscates and examines phones, executing anyone suspected of communicating with the military or police.

The source also indicated that precise artillery strikes from the south, carried out by the military, have resulted in substantial casualties for the group. As a consequence, they have grown suspiciousllagers, believing that they may be providing information about their positions.

While the non-State armed groups have halted their movements toward Chaungnakwa village and the MCL cement factory, they continue to hold strong resentment towards these areas. Reports indicate that the group’s failure to capture Chaungnakwa had a significant impact on El Say Wah’s group."
The source also mentioned that El Say Waz’s group has been exploiting resources from the MCL cement factory, leading to the flight of remaining staff. Chaungnakwa and its surrounding areas are ethnically mixed Kayin and Mon regions, including villages like Kwetawyo, Kyonekwe, Thanpuya, Thapanpyokone, Kadoesi, Kwamkasut, Taungkalay, and Hlakkazoe. The destruction of the Chaungnakwa Village bridge has rendered the Mudon-Kyaikto road unusable, forcing people to seek alternative routes such as the Five Pagodas-Tankuntaung-Taungde-Fapya-Anankwin road, Lwehsinkone junction, and other village paths.”

It is also reported that El Say Wah's group is also accused of ignoring Thai government demands for compensation over their misuse of the MCL cement factory.

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