War crime: Ethnocentric armed groups commit beyond conflict


Tun Mon Thet (NP News) - Aug 13
Amid escalating military tension in many parts of Myanmar – mostly in the ethnic regions, the country is utterly racked with war-torn pain, extrajudicial killings, and humiliation against human dignity.
Since the 2021 political transition, unrest in the early period later transformed into mob and violence; then, the so-called armed revolution commenced in the middle of 2021 which finally turned into armed insurrection.
Unfortunately, situations have now reached national humiliation beyond the armed conflicts and political crisis as the result of committing discrimination, disgrace, and embarrassment against Bamar ethnics by the racist ethnocentric armed groups, especially, in the territories where they recently seized in the civil war.
Generally speaking, rebels and insurgents do not follow the Rules of Engagement, the Geneva Convention, or whatsoever, in the civil war while the State-troops have to follow very strictly.
On August 1 and 2, the Neo-Nazi MNDAAs (Kokang group) dropped bombs on No.9 Tatmadaw hospital in Lashio and raided it. The MNDAAs brutally shot patients and healthcare workers at a close range and abducted patients including women, families, and children.
Reports stated that approximately 100 individuals were killed within the hospital compound and the other 100 individuals were abducted as hostages by the MNDAA.
As a matter of fact, Tatmadaw hospitals are providing healthcare services not only to the Tatmadaw personnel and families but also to ordinary civilians, monks, and children.
The video file of abducting the hostages by the Neo-Nazi MNDAAs was viral through the internet. Civilians, patients, hors de combat, and senior citizens can be observed in the video waving the white flags, which is the witness of surrendering instead of being saved as claimed by the MNDAAs in their propaganda.
The Geneva Convention protects the Vulnerable in War especially those who are not or no longer participating in hostilities and battles. Soldiers who are hors de combat, wounded and sick civilians as well as medical personnel have to be excluded in the fight.
Local media also reported that civilian patients who were wounded in critical and severe conditions were transferred to the Tatmadaw Hospital since the Lashio General Hospital was lack of capable providing effective medical care in the battle ground.
Also in late July, the racist MNDAAs arbitrarily abducted around 500 individuals of Bamar ethnics in Laukkai. The hostages are those who have migrated to Laukkai for employment or economic opportunities.
Also in July, the TNLAs searched and killed Bamar locals in Nawnghkio, while they seized the town. The TNLAs forcibly drove out and expelled the Bamar ethnics from their houses; and took Bamar victims’ properties extrajudicially.
In the battles of the ethnocentric armed forces to conquer land territories, thousands of Bamar PDFs were used in the front line and lost lives.
Also on 8 February, another apocalypse was happened in Kyauktaw, Rakhine State. An estimated 900 individuals of Tatmadaw hors de combat and families including children were killed and slaughtered by the vicious AAs in Kaladan River.
Within over three years, thousands of Bamar individuals were subjected to brutal killings, extrajudicial killings, being used in the front line of the battles, and various types of humiliations. All these matters have been rooted in racism and Nazism by the ethnocentric armed forces despite claiming to fight for federalism, autonomous regions, or self-administered areas.
The West group’s double standard Human Rights criteria still neglect innocent lives in Myanmar, especially the Bamar ethnic – which is the majority population in the country.