Accident injured 17 pilgrims at ravine of Mandalay Hill


Eain/Thant Zin (NP News) - Jan 9

A passenger car crashed into a ravine of Mandalay Hill in Aung Myay Tharzan Township, Mandalay injuring 17 pilgrims, according to the Nandaw social assistance association.
The accident occurred on 8 January at an estimated 2:30 pm at the ravine road of Mandalay Hill located in Aung Myay Tharzan Township in Mandalay Region.
“The pilgrim group rented a light-track car when they arrived at the bottom of the hill. They are from Bokalay Township. After their visit, the car’s brake was broken and they crashed into the ravine with over-speed on their way back. The car was turned over,” an official from the social assistance association said.
As a result of the accident, three pilgrims were injured with severe conditions, and 14 others were wounded.
“A total of 17 were injured. Three were in the severe condition. About 20 pilgrims came along with a car. The severely injured persons suffered from inflammations and arm broken. Others were injured with small wounds. The driver suffered from chest pain. 9 year-old child broke his arm. We suggest taking care of gearing while driving on the ravine road. Bikers also ride on that road. The accident happens. We would like to suggest taking care,” the official advised.
The Nandaw social assistance association transported the injured persons to the Mandalay General Hospital for medical treatment.

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