Kayin party calls for compromise to restore Lay Kay Kaw’s tranquility


NP News - May 14
Kayin National Democratic Party (KNDP) proposed to conduct negotiations to return Lay Kay Kaw region back to its tranquility, peace and natural beauty when the party met with National Solidarity and Peace Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) led by Lieutenant General Yar Pyae on May 12 in Naypyidaw.

Peace process and conditions related to Myaing Gyi Ngu IDP camps and Lay Kay Kaw region’s tranquility, reducing armed conflicts in Kayin State, and providing assistances for the IDPs were discussed during the meeting, the KNDP’s chairman Mann Aung Pyi Soe told the NP News.

“Lay Kay Kaw is now turning into hostile. We have to compromise and control as much as possible so as to restore the city into its original environment,” the chairman said.

In Lay Kay Kaw and surrounding areas, fire exchanges between Tatmadaw’s regional troops and the local insurgent groups together with the KNLA (Karen National Liberation Army) were hard in recent months.

Lay Kay Kaw was built as a ‘town of peace’ in 2015, the emblem of negotiation accomplishment between the Myanmar military and the KNU.

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