Mon State’s ex-chief minister sentenced to 21 years for corruption


Khit / Myo Gyi (NP News) - May 18
The former chief minister of Mon State Dr. Aye Zan has been charged 21 years of imprisonment under Section 55 of Anti-Corruption Law, according to the announcement released by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on May 16.

The ex-prime minister was prosecuted at Mon State High Court on April 27, 2021, under Section 55 of the Anti-Corruption Law. The court sentenced him to 21 years of imprisonment on May 16 and found him guilty.

Against existing laws, rules, and regulations, the ex-chief of Mon State Dr. Aye Zan accepted a total of 569 million MMK from businesspersons for the projects of sand extraction from Thanlwin River in 2018. He allowed the business entity paid mineral tax payments for the sand mining projects to the State’s revenue department lower than the actual amount of tax payment despite the ex-minister did not have the authority to do it. Therefore, the State lost a total of more than 132 million MMK in 2019-20 FY from the sand mining projects. Additionally, Dr. Aye Zan temporarily gave 20 million MMK to another person and 65 million MMK to another two persons respectively from the Covid-19 funds; the entities did not payback. It damaged the state property as he committed corruption, according to the announcement.

Dr. Aye Zan was sentenced to two years imprisonment on December 2, 2021, under Section 505 (b) of the Penal Code for urging civil servants to join the Civil Disobedience Movement.

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