Top listed first world nations still apply ‘Capital Punishment’ against terrorism; why not Myanmar? (Article)


NP News - June 4
Judiciary’s approbation on death row made yesterday heated debate among anti-government populations in Myanmar; but a solace for the innocent victims’ families who were brutally killed in the terror incidents.

Since last year, the country has been in turmoil situations with many terror plots or attacks especially in Yangon city. People are living under unforeseeable terror threats in their daily lives. The anti-government groups (not all anti-government entities but pro-terror groups) extensively committed inhumane deeds as they blame the political clash happened on February 1, 2021 (I would say ‘Myanmar’s 2121 turning point’: 2-1-21).

Generally, terror attempts are plotted by masterminds. Phyo Zayyar Thaw is one of the masterminds of Yangon’s most terror plots occurred in early anarchic revolution.

Estimate 200 different weapons, 6,000 different bullets, 40 different nuts and various mines and bombs were seized only from him. The weapons were kept in different four places across the city Yangon.

Again, Phyo Zayyar Thaw sponsored the terrorists to commit terror attacks; and he was found conviction for acting as an accomplice in many crimes including - more than 80 times of exploding many state-owned buildings and government offices, estimate 60 times of exploding and destroying public sites, and exploding and blowing up the religious buildings twice, schools three-times, and many other places; so he was charged under Section 49, 50 (i), 50 (j) of the Penal Code and as per the legal provisions under Counter Terrorism Law.

Terror incidents in Yangon noticeably declined at that time shortly after he was arrested in November 2021. However, the terror attempts to civilian targets in Yangon become increasing again in 2022. His terror convictions are seen crystal clear.

There are fifty-four countries that retain capital punishment as of 2022; 108 countries abolished; and 26 state abolitionist-in-practices.

Myanmar has been sitting in ‘abolitionist-in-practice’ concerning the death sentence for nearly five decades since 1976 when Chin ethnic student Salai Tin Maung Oo was executed by hang at Insein Prison on June 26, 1976. Since then, the country has never taken the state-sanctioned practice of killing on any crime; yet the nation seems resuming executions with death row only for ‘terrorism’ or ‘war crime’.

Needless to say it isn’t unjust!

Some chiefs among the first world nations like United States, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore still apply ‘capital punishment’ against terrorism charges or drug offenses. No excuse if found conviction with terrorism.

The United States’ increasingly broad terrorism laws, the federal government can bring charges even the attempted terrorisms in which no one is ever harmed. The federal terrorism penalty ranges from sentences for any term of years, life in prison, to even death penalty.

No one can excuse in Singapore if found convictions with drug offenses.

So, why cannot Myanmar practice the ‘capital punishment’ against terrorists who grabbed many lives of pure souls?

Phyo Zayyar Thaw was a parliamentarian in previous government term led by National League for Democracy. He transformed himself as a politician started in 2012 by-election when the NLD returned on lawful political platform in Myanmar’s politics kneeing down before the 2008 Constitution which the NLD consistently boycotted before the establishment of 2011 Hluttaw situation.

He was once a rapper in three decades ago along with the hip-hop band ‘Acid’ – the hip-hop first generation in Myanmar.

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