Young actress under life-intimidation third time


NP News - June 17
A Myanmar young celebrity named Yin Let was under threat of a bomb attempt a few days ago as a bomb made by cell phone was thrown into her home garden on June 13.

Yin Let posted on her personal Facebook account, “On June 13, if it wasn’t rain (or) if my family wasn’t taking shelter of the Buddha, all family members would have died and the coming Sunday would be the day of offering food for the family demise. Now I escaped from the assassination again thanks to the precepts and veracities that I have been preserving for my whole life and thanks to my willpower following the doctrine of the Buddha.”

The bomb was reportedly made of a cell phone, it malfunctioned and did not explode as it was heavy rain on June 13, said a source who has a close friendship with Yin Let.

The first bomb attempt on her occurred in November 2021. At that time, the assassinators dropped a bomb made of PVC pipe into her home garden. No physical damage occurred in the first attack.

Following it, another bomb exploded at a garage near her home a few months later.

The anti-government groups accuse her of supporting the Defense Services. So does she become a target to be subjected to intimidation and cyber-harassment very frequently.

In Myanmar, not only the civilians and ward administrators are killed and murdered daily denunciated as alleged informers or traitors, but the celebrities are also blamed as pro-government or the Tatmadaw supporters.

A couple of weeks ago, Myanmar Idol Season 2 singer ‘Zin Gyi’ was dead in Yangon’s North Dagon Township under multiple gunshots. Rumors had spread about his death on social media allegedly as he is a ‘Dalan (traitor)’.

Regarding threats to celebrities, a reporter raised a question to the Information Team leader of the State Administration Council Major General Zaw Min Tun during the previous 16th press conference held on June 16 in Naypyidaw on whether to formulate security regulations tighter or not.

Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun told that the SAC has no scheme to regulate the security rules overruling terms and conditions provided by the 2008 Constitution.

“Currently, we do not have agenda to overwhelm the provisos prescribed in the 2008 Constitution. We continue formulating the security regulations as per the 2008 Constitution,” Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun said.

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