Last update says 64 Buddhist monks, one nun offended by terror assaults


NP News - June 19
The last updated figures show a total of 64 Buddhist monks including one novice, and one Buddhist nun were targeted in provocative terror attacks in the revolution within fourteen months after the military takeover on February 1, 2021.
The figures are counted up to June 13, 2022.
Amongst, 50 were brutally killed; eight monks and a nun were injured in the attacks while six are still missing.
Data says most terror offenses on Buddhist monks occurred in Sagaing Region as 29 monks were subjected to terror plots, of which 22 were deliberately murdered; two injured; five missing (means ‘did not found corpses’).
Magwe stands the second most terror assaults against the Buddhist monks followed by Sagaing - 13 were murdered; 2 injured; and one missing plus one wounded Buddhist nun in the outrages.
Most victims are the full-fledged monks or the presiding Sayardaws with old ages having resided many years of monkhood.
Sagaing, Magwe, and Mandalay regions undoubtedly are the religious centers in Myanmar where Buddha sasana is the most bloomed. Sagaing, with its hills and valleys, numerous temples, and caves dedicated to the Buddha is the best place for meditation, learning the Buddha's teachings, and fulfilling the religious goals with noiseless and peaceful.
Many venerable Buddhist Sayardaws were born or learned the Buddha's teachings or resided their monkhood mostly in Mandalay, Sagaing, and Magwe regions throughout the history until the present time.
Sadly though, the two religious centers in Myanmar - Sagaing and Magwe regions – become terror targets on Buddhist monks.
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing urged to conduct investigations and examinations against the terrorists who committed terror offenses on religious persons at the special courts to charge maximum sentences.
Regarding the terror outrages on the Buddhist religious persons, the Information Team leader of the SAC Major General Zaw Min Tun said, “Media or international community does not disclose those incidents. They try those events to be faded from public view.”