Amyotha Hluttaw for six SAZ, ethnic representative seats in State/Region Hluttaws continue FPTP; rest with PR


NP News - June 19
Coming General Election will continue practicing the FPTP system for the Amyotha Hluttaw seats for six Self-Administered Zones and ethnic representative seats from State and Region Hluttaws; the rest will change into closed list Proportional Representative, according to Union Election Commission.

“We are going to practice the PR electoral system for all Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw, and State and Region Hluttaws. However, there are 6 seats for Self-Administered Zones altogether as part of Amyotha Hluttaw, in which one representative has to be elected for a seat. Therefore, we will continue FPTP for the individual seat of those constituencies,” the UEC member Khin Maung Oo said.

Likewise, there are seats for representing ethnics in every State/Region Hluttaws have to be elected only by the ethnics. The FPTP will be continued exercising for those seats.

Concerning the number of parliamentarians, constituencies will be based on townships or population size for the Pyithu Hluttaw with no more than 330 representatives to be elected. For the Amyotha Hluttaw, 12 representatives each will be elected for states and regions respectively. There will be a total of 168 parliamentarians of Amyotha Hluttaw. For State/Region Hluttaws, two parliamentarians will be elected for each township, Khin Maung Oo said.

He said that once we practice “In the PR system, it conveys wider constituency coverage and determines the number of representatives. Then, political parties and independent candidates run for the election. Based on the valid votes, the parties will have seats at the respective Hluttaw as per their vote proportions accordingly.”

The UEC stated that necessary preparations to enact electoral laws and bylaws for practicing the PR in the upcoming General Election have been formulated.


Kyaw Kyaw

19/06/2022 17:11

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