USDP sets forth statistics of victims killed by NUG/PDF to ASEAN envoy


NP News – July 5
Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) set forth the open letter to the ASEAN Special Envoy with details on USDP party members and supporters who were killed by NUG-affiliated PDF including photo pieces of evidence and family members’ information, during the event meeting with Prak Sokhon and political parties on July 2.

USDP chairman Than Htay and Central Executive member Khin Maung Soe attended the event.

Than Htay discussed the party is executing the schemes as parts of the ASEAN five-point consensus on Myanmar relevant to political parties, saying that the best way to overcome the current situation is creating opportunities to hold the election.

Constitutional dilemma plays a part of the current crisis. Tactics to adapt the constitution that is acceptable by all stakeholders and based on democracy and federalism should be formulated, he added.

Organizations should behave by abiding by rules and regulations, existing laws, and consensus, continued Than Htay saying that the USDP will be cooperating to restore the conditions in which the election can be convened, eliminating terrorist deeds, urging the fraternal political parties to cooperate.

Than Htay called for an immediate end to violence as first point of the ASEAN consensus on Myanmar, saying that the USDP doesn’t use any course of terrorism.

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