51 illegal Bengalis seized in Ayeyarwady’s Yaykyi


NP News - July 10
51 illegally entering Bengalis were seized on the bank of Ngathaingchaung-Gwa Road located in Yaykyi Township, Ayeyarwady Region on July 9, according to Yaykyi Township police.

The aliens were brought hiding under bamboos on the truck. There were two vehicles carrying the aliens together. The Bengali aliens from another car escaped but only the vehicle was seized.

The truck carrying illegal Bengalis under bamboos did not stop to be inspected at Baydar checkpoint on Ngathaingchaung-Gwa Road while officers were inspecting ‘Lexus’ that was followed by the truck in the queue.

“They were seized in Sar-U-san Village. Bengalis are hiding under the bamboos in the truck. In the queue line at the inspection gate, the truck was next to ‘Lexus’. Actually, both vehicles were together. When we were inspecting the ‘Lexus’, the truck did not wait in line and drove running. Meanwhile, we followed the truck leaving ‘Lexus’. After we seized the truck and made questions, we recognized those two vehicles were the same team. We found ‘Lexus’ but nobody was there. They left the car and ran,” said a police officer.

The seized aliens are reportedly detained at Athok Township police station.

104 illegal Bengalis were caught at the Yaynathar checkpoint located on the bank of Ngathaingchaung-Gwa Road on May 27; they were brought on three 6-wheeler trucks from Gwa Township, Rakhine State heading to Yangon.


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