Three civilians killed in shootings in Sagaing on July 16


NP News - July 19
Two men and one woman were killed in terror gun incidents that occurred in Watlet and Sartaung townships located in Sagaing Region, according to Myanmar Police Forces.

The incident took place on July 16 at an estimated 10 am in Watlet Township when the victim Zaw Gyi and his family were at home. 20 terrorists came to their house and committed the shooting.

The breadwinner Zaw Gyi died at the scene from the gunshots, the police said.

Again on July 16 at an estimated 7 pm in Sartaung Township, a man and a woman named Kyaw San Win and his wife San Mhwe were shot dead while they were at home by five gun terrorists.

Authorities are investigating to arrest the committed terrorists.

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