NP’s exclusive Interview with IBEC Sayadaw U Sobhita (Part- 1)


NP News – July 29
The chief editor of the NP News made an exclusive interview with Sayadaw U Sobhita recently.
Q: Mingalarpar Sayadaw Payar. We’ve learnt that you went to the United Nations in recent days. Would you tell me about that trip and its purpose?
A: Yes, Mingalarpar. I already had an aim to go to the United Nations. The purpose was related to the current crisis happening in Myanmar especially the political crisis and the revolutionary crisis. When there is no understanding, conflicts happen. Regarding lack of understanding and the arisen conflict, I presented and submitted on behalf of the Myanmar citizens and the public to the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres about the actual ground situations of the crisis happened in Myanmar that all stakeholders involving are wrongfully doing so that he can present or tell about this reality to the world. The trip lasted for two weeks. The trip to America was to explain and urge António Guterres to resolve the Myanmar crisis, to stop the terrorisms from all sides, and not to encourage the belligerence and hostilities.
Q: I would like to know the effectiveness of your trip. Was it effective to what extent?
A: Regarding effectiveness, the UN is an organization that consists of world countries. They asked for my profile before making an appointment with them (António Guterres). They recognized that I’m a winner of the Stockholm World Peace Prize Award as well as a United Nations world peace diplomat to Myanmar and that I did many performances for peace worldwide. Then, I got chance to discuss with the leaders from the department of the UN’s political and peace-building affairs, and personnel from important sectors like the prevention of political conflicts. Therefore, the result of my presentation may be, there will be the General Assembly in the coming September which leaders from the nations worldwide will be attending. The issues like Ukraine-Russia including Myanmar, people use weapons in aggressive and warlike behaviors; terrorism and war crimes are committed by all sides (all stakeholders). They kill people and destroy innocent people’s lives and properties. Villages are set ablaze; people are killed allegedly as a traitor (Dalan). I directly urged Guterres to stop those terrorist acts to ensure peacebuilding. They accepted my advice. They commented that there should be many people in Myanmar like me, Sayadaw U Sobhita.
Q: We noticed that you are subjected to criticism and accusation made by the opposition groups with respect to your trip to the UN and interview with the news media. And we’ve also learned that your side released a statement on those critics. Could you remark and explain in an extensive way on their critics?
A: On July 6 in the United States, I discussed with the chairman of the National Democratic Institute Derek Mitchell who was a former US Ambassador to Myanmar on the issues and crisis in Myanmar that both sides are killing and bullying innocent people inhumanely. The incidents were committed by the Tatmadaw in the early period. Then, the revolutionists who claimed fighting back against the Tatmadaw kill people from different sides. Even Buddhist monks were killed by them. There are more than 50 monks killed by them. No one is dear to speak out on it. Therefore, I urged them to encourage to stop these violences committed by both sides. Instead of selling weapons and flaming fire, I urged them and Derek Mitchell to present the real situations of brutal killings to the American government without bias and prejudices.
After that, the RFA requested me to be interviewed on what I sent the open letter to António Guterres and I met with the NDI. So I accepted to make an interview at the RFA office located in Washington DC. It was 17 minutes interview. I talked no bias, no side on the military, or no side on the resistance. I talked about the real ground situations in the interview for 17 minutes. I told them to publish the whole interview, no cut or no edit. They do as I told them. In the interview, I encouraged the two sides to stop terrorism and belligerence.
However, the so-called resistance group, especially Min Zero (Min Thonya), Vayama, Aga from the Spring Revolution Monk Network and the Mandalay Sanga Union, Myawady Mingyi U Varabhiwuntha accused me from the social media via Mizzima, Khit Thit, and DVB since they want me to tell wrong things or one-sided. In fact, they don’t want peace. Because they accept money, very little money from the international and they insult and offend all venerable Buddhist monks of Myanmar.
I told in the RFA interview that it has been 70 years in Myanmar fostering the armed resistance courses. There wasn’t victory in history by approaching the armed revolutionary courses. Therefore, I urged all of the stakeholders including the Defense Services or the PDF or the EAOs, or the NUG to return to conduct a dialogue and discussion for resolving the country’s crisis. Only then, will our country be escaped from this crisis instead of being stuck in the political disaster for twenty or thirty years.
They (Spring Revolution Monk Network) are not happy with my suggestion. Again, they are not pleased with my report on the bona fide situations happening in Myanmar to António Guterres. That is why they insult and revile me. Then, they claim that they are doing it in line with the ‘Dhamma’ principle. However, they say and behave in sin and evil manners. They vituperate and assault everyone who doesn’t stand on their side or stand from the different sides. Such a dummy and aggressive person like Min Zero (Min Thonya) leads the network desperately attacking others.
We don’t have a word on what they are doing as they believe. We don’t attack personal insults to anyone, never. But I would say if they have the ability, they should go to the UN and tell what they want to tell. Whatever way they use, if they have the ability, they should go to the UN, EU, and the ASEAN. It is nothing strange for me to contact and communicate with those organizations. If I take and stand from the military council side, I won’t be able to go to those places. Or if I stand from the resistance group, I won’t be able to do so.
The world already knows who are willing for peace and neutrality. Those persons who always blame and vituperate and assault other people are opposed to the democratic norm. They talk about democracy but they do the opposite. Only the coward threatens when they feel unsafe.