UN envoy visit: Myanmar punches with full-fledged talk; UN paralyses
Tun MT (NP News) - Aug 20
Myanmar Generals released 28 pages in local language with 16 pages in English on full version of statement on talk with Ms. Noeleen Heyzer, the United Nations special envoy to Myanmar, yesterday (August 19) following the UN’s deceitful statement that was released on August 18.
It was the first formal visit of Noeleen Heyzer to Myanmar after the country’s authorities accepted the UN’s request to meet with State Administration Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.
During the formal talk, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing discussed versatile subjects on which the international used to accuse of Myanmar from time to time with wrongful facts or even without facts.
Senior General said it has been 11 years that he is serving as Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services since 2011 saying, “Through the experience received during these years, I regret to observe that the statements by the United Nations are one-sided.”
Senior General continued, “You would more realize the situation on the ground if you travelled from Yangon to Naypyidaw by car and looked around Yangon instead of taking the flight,” as Heyzer spend three hours in the Yangon International Airport to fly to Naypyidaw providing if she wanted to find out bona fide situations happening on ground instead of saying without facts.
He said, “It is more appropriate to make comments on Myanmar only after realizing the real situation of the country.”
Heyzer admitted she understands visions of the nine objectives that the country is implementing forward. The UN envoy requested the Senior General to have consistent meetings to make progresses.
No doubt that the United Nations has always been insincere in Myanmar issue.
In fact, Noeleen Heyzer said, in the UN statement, “UN engagement does not in any way confer legitimacy.” On the contrary, she clearly addressed in person during the talk with the SAC Chair, “The Secretary General of the United Nations does not have mandate to decide the representation and the recognition of Myanmar at the United Nations. Only the member states of the United Nations can recognize Myanmar’s representation.”
The United Nations plays fast and loose in Myanmar’s internal issue now and then between ruling and opposition groups with negligence on real story.
With respect to the UN’s reckless manner, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing stated, “Your visit to Myanmar is the official visit and we have received you at the President Office. Your visit is a visit to a country possessing sovereignty and territorial integrity. If you don’t accept the proposal of Myanmar, a member of the UN, you (UN) should not accept the proposal made by opposition groups.”
The UN envoy alleged the Defense Services of conducting aerial bombing and burning the villages and civilian houses with no ground evidence as she asked, during the talk, to halt aerial bombing and burning.
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing simply replied, “I totally deny the alleged burning of villages” saying “It is a common sense that we would never burn and destroy the houses of people to whom we are responsible to protect.”
Myanmar attained enough evidence in Sean Turnell case, as Senior General said, “In Mr. Sean Turnell’s case, the evidence shows that severe penalties could be imposed.”
On this point, some academics in Myanmar assumed Sean Turnell as one of the ‘economic hit men’ of external infiltration into the country's insight issues.
Noeleen Heyzer highlighted Myanmar’s responsibility for 1 million Bangladeshi (the statement said ‘Rohingya’) in the UN’s statement.
Myanmar sincerely replied “While we have requested the lists of refugees from the Bangladeshi side, they failed to provide the verification forms agreed by both sides. Therefore, we have difficulties in proceeding with verification,” as returning back need affidavit of the Court.
In this regard, the UN envoy did not use the controversial term ‘Rohingya’ which the international community very preferred when she discussed in person with Myanmar.
The press statement of the UN’s special envoy was based on misinformation without reflecting the comprehensive explanation of Myanmar side with facts, evidences and actual incidents that had happened in reality, Myanmar said.