NSPNC and working group of political parties discuss constitutional amendment


NP News - Aug 29
The National Solidarity and Peace Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) which is led by Lieutenant General Yar Pyae and the working group of political parties discussed amendments of the 2008 Constitution.
The two sides met on August 27 in Naypyidaw.
“We have submitted nine facts to amend the Constitution last week. This week, they presented their explanations on those nine facts. Both sides discussed. Since we are still negotiating, we cannot anything in exact details,” working group leader Sai Aik Paung from Shan Nationalities League for Democracy told NP News.
“Actually, it will be better if EAOs are involved. Now negotiations are being made between the government, Tatmadaw and parties. If EAOs are involved in this process, more accurate solutions will be gained. Then, the agreed factors can be approved by the parliament that will be convened after the 2023 August Election,” he continued.
The government’s peace delegation team and three ethnic armed forces exchanged opinions and discussed demands related to Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of the Constitution, according to State Administration Council.
Sai Aik Paung, “Factors related with power sharing, tax sharing and resource sharing have been agreed to amend in the Schedule 1 and 2. The Defense Services seem to agree what we have proposed.”
Next discussions between NSPNC led by Lieutenant General Yar Pyae and the working group of political parties will be held in late September.