UEC orders foreign bodies to report to Myanmar embassies if willing to meet with local parties


NP News - Aug 30

Union Election Commission (UEC) issued an order that the foreign organizations shall report to the Myanmar embassies that are located in their respective country if the organizations are willing to meet with the local political parties.

The union election commission informed the order to the political parties on August 23.

On August 11, the UEC issued an order saying that the political parties shall require the commission’s consensus to meet with any entity, organization, or person from the foreign countries; in case of failure to abide by the order shall penalize the political parties termination of parties’ registrations.

According to the order issued on August 23, the foreign bodies shall inform and conduct with the Foreign Ministry of Myanmar through the Myanmar embassy located in the respective country. Then, the UEC will carry out a scrutiny process on the report submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The foreign bodies that want to meet with the political parties have to inform the embassy; then, with the approval of the ambassador, the request shall be passed through the Foreign Ministry. The request has to be carried out step by step. More time will be consumed in the process. It will be a kind of limitations,” Arakan Front Party’s chairman Dr. Aye Maung told NP News.

Dr. Aye Maung remarked that political parties require a convenient condition in communication with other bodies since the political parties are the organizations that are legally registered at the Union Election Commission.

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