Government eases import license applications for Agri-Products


Khit / Phoo Pyae (NP News) - Sep 6
The Department of Trade of the Ministry of Commerce liberalized in issuing of import licenses, especially for a total of 70 agricultural-related products which now have been granted exemption in the import license application.
The listed 70 agricultural products have been allowed to import, without requiring to apply for the import license, since September 1, 2022; but in accordance with rules and procedures of the relevant departments, Trade Department said.
“We made this grant in exemption to support the development of the country’s agricultural sector and to facilitate importing agricultural equipment. These products were previously involved in the list that required import license,” an official from the Department of Trade said.
The exempted products list includes dryers for agricultural products; spray guns and similar appliances; portable sprayers, pneumatic elevators, and conveyors; agricultural, horticultural, or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers; harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural products, trailers and semi-trailers.
State Administration Council is promoting the agricultural sector development. It is expected to expand the rice grown in summer under a contract farming system up to 0.85 million acres of land in the upcoming 2022-23.