Small restaurant owner shot dead in Mogaung, Kachin

NP News - Sep 10
The owner of a local rice and food restaurant known as ‘Soe Kan Thar’ who is as well as a 100-household administrator was shot to death in Mogaung township, Kachin State, according to the Myanmar Police Forces.
The terror incident happened on September 8 at an estimated 5 am at ‘Soe Kan Thar’ rice and food restaurant located near Mogaung Railway State.
Three gunmen with two motorbikes came to the restaurant when the victim Thaung Naing Soe (47 yrs.) was preparing to open the restaurant at dawn, according to the police.
The victim died at the scene.
Likewise, another gun violence happened in Bilin, Mon State on the same day at an estimated 8 am. Police identified the victim as a forty-five years old man Hla Win Thein. He was shot by a gunman on the public platform, police said.