More than 60 Pct of human trafficking forced labour


Hsu / Yoon (NP News) - Sep 14

New patterns of human trafficking evolved in Myanmar. The traffickers seek victims mainly through social media, Home Affairs Union Minister Soe Htut said.

The Union Minister stated it in the message delivered at the special event for Suppression of Trafficking in Persons Day on September 13.

Two major factors increasing human trafficking in Myanmar involve internal conflicts and seeking external employment opportunities, the minister said.

He continued, searching victims of human trafficking directly relates to market demands in other countries. In fact, 19.68 percent of human trafficking took place internally, which means 80.32 percent were trafficked to abroad. Victims are mainly women and children.

Nowadays, the traffickers are using various ways to persuade especially young girls for force marriages, forced surrogacy and sexual exploitations through agents, the minister said.

Moreover, according to the minister, various kinds of human trafficking cases include forced labour at raft fishing, selling victims after they deceived them through social media, and forced labouring with debt bondage.

The Minister of Home Affairs Ministry stated that 60.11 percent of investigated human trafficking cases were forced laboring; 22.22 percent were forced prostitution or sexual exploitation; 11.11 percent were forced marriage while 5.56 percent were forced adoption respectively.

The minister commented that human trafficking is an inhumane act of exploiting on humans and new form slavery. This modern slavery is the global issue and especially the economically-lag behind developing countries are severely suffered from the negative consequences of human trafficking.

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