Passenger flight shot by sniper in Loikaw


NP News - Sep 30

A flight of Myanmar National Airlines ‘XY-AML’ that carried 63 passengers was shot by a terrorist sniper this morning when the airplane was crossing into the territory of Kayah State.

The aircraft was ATR-72 (600) passenger flight that is flying between Yangon-Naypyidaw-Loikaw-Yangon routinely.

This civilian-targeted terror incident happened on September 30 at an estimated 8:45 am when the flight was about to land at the Loikaw Airport.

The insurgent group known as Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) is moving around Loikaw and surrounding territory. The KNDF is a joint force of non-State armed groups KNPP and PDF.

“Main body of the aircraft was hit. It was assumed that the sniper shot the flight taking a position from the ridge located between Nwalapoh and Mawchi villages because the plane has to fly a bit low when running those areas,” a source from the Kayah State government told NP News.

Authorities announced that the plot was committed by an allied group of the KNPP (Karenni National Progressive Party) and the PDF.

One passenger was injured in the incident; he was brought to the hospital for medical treatment at the moment.

The injured civilian in the incident is a Loikaw resident who is working in Mandalay. He came back to Loikaw for a sitting university exam.

The hit flight canceled its schedule to Yangon at present.


Htun Aung Kyaw

30/09/2022 16:32

Shame on you KNDF Terrorists

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