Khin Yee: Ex-immigration minister chairs USDP; will raise competent new cadres


Tun MT (NP News) - Oct 5

The former minister of immigration and population Khin Yee now chairs the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) after the declaration of the former chair Than Htay his resignation from the chairmanship.

Raising the competent new blood and expanding the party size with recruitment and reinforcement will be the priorities for the USDP with its new chairman.

“USDP will raise competent new cadres. We have to make efforts to have more party members, partisans, supporters and cohorts,” the newly chair Khin Yee said during his speech after acceptance of the chairmanship.

The USDP held its third conference in Naypyidaw headquarters on October 4-5.

During the two-day conference, the former chairman Than Htay declared retirement from the leadership of the party providing three reasons including failure to protect two thousand of the USDP members, supporters and cohorts from terror assaults by terrorists and health conditions of chronic back pain.

Khin Yee served as the Chief of the Myanmar Police Force from 2002 to 2011; then served as the Union Minister of the Ministry of Immigration and Population in President Thein Sein administration from 2011 to 2015. Again, he became the Union Minister of the Ministry of Immigration and Population next time after the 2021 political transition till the recent reshuffle of the cabinet.

After the 2021 political transition, it has been more than two thousand USDP members, supporters, cadres, and cohorts were killed and brutally tortured by the NUG-installed PDFs across the country.

Khin Yee did not mention protective measures or plans to prevent upcoming possible terror plots against his party members.

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