At least 60 Buddhist monks assaulted in terror plots; IBEC condemns terror acts on Buddhist monks


Khit / Myo Gyi (NP News) - Oct 19

The International Buddhist Education Centre’s (IBEC) principal and Stockholm World Peace Prize Holder Buddhist Sayadaw Dr. Ashin Sobhita condemned the terrorist acts committed against and targeted at the Buddhist monks; in fact, at least sixty Buddhist monks have been killed by the terrorists in the ongoing conflicts happened in Myanmar.

Sayadaw addressed this during the IBEC Assembly that was held on October 17 in Sagaing.

Buddhist monks and nuns were subjected to violence regardless of the current political conflicts, Sayadaw said.

“A total of 61 Buddhist monks have been killed at present. I seriously condemned whatever group or organization committed it. They kill the Buddhist monks and the civilians for no reason. I demand to stop all brutal murders,” said the IBEC Sayadaw Dr. Ashin Sobita.

A Buddhist monk from Yayshin village in Moekaung township of Kachin State was killed by gunshot by eight terrorists in recent days.

The State Administration Council announced, “A total of 59 Buddhist monks and a nun were murdered in terror assaults and 34 monks were injured.”

However, the mentioned figures are according to the data released in official announcements and there are many other terror incidents across the country beyond the reach of the reporters.

Sayadaw requested all sides: SAC, NUG, and the PDF from his deep heart to stop fighting and clashes.

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