Armed clashes in Kawkareik between Tatmadaw and KNLA intensify; civilian casuality occurs


Hsu/ Myo Gyi (NP News) - Oct 21

Civilians were wounded and reportedly died in the armed conflicts that happened in Kawkareik, Kayin State between the Myanmar military and the joint forces of KNLA and PDF.

The joint forces of KNLA: the armed wing of the KNU (Karen National Union) and the PDF opened fire on Kawkareik town, said the local residents confirming that the insurgent troops commenced their attack at an estimated 7 am today (21st October).

A source from Kawkareik recounted to NP News that there were cross-fires in the middle of the town since the early morning around 7 am and it has not stopped yet. As far as I know, the shootings are more intense at the back of the District Administrative Office, No (3) Toll Gate, and near Kyaung Oo Pagoda Gate. Currently, the shootings seemed to stop near the Pagoda.”

Public infrastructures and civilians were affected by the fire exchanges. Initial reports said a total of 11 civilians were wounded in the conflict and are hospitalized at the Kawkareik district clinic.

“Cross-fire is currently occurring at the east of the No. 97 military battalion,” another source from Kawkareik said at 11:30 am.

According to the local residents, the allied forces of the KNLA and PDF opened fire directed at the town (Kawkareik) by using civilian housing as a human shield. The Myanmar military conducted an air strike targeting the insurgent troops.

“We all are desperate and shocked. Shootings and cross-firing by both small weapons and artilleries frightened us. We wish we won’t experience such kind of disaster again,” a resident said.

A civilian died in the explosion of the landed artillery in front of Ahla Nann Daw beauty salon located in Tada-U No. 7 residential ward in Kawkareik in the armed conflict.

On 15th August, a fire exchange occurred between KNLA/PDF joint forces and Tatmadaw in Kawkareik leaving casualties on both sides and the civilians.

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