Customs department exempts tariffs on 18 medicines mostly OTC


Khit/ Phoo Pyae (NP News) - ‌Oct 21

The Customs department announced, as per notification No. 85/2022 issued by the Ministry of Planning and Finance, tariff liberalizations on 18 medical drugs of both over-the-counter and prescription medicines on 19th October.

A total of 18 treatment drugs including aspirin, paracetamol, chlorpheniramine maleate, diazepam, mebendazole, gentamicin, metronidazole, propranolol, oral rehydration salt, chlorpromazine, salbutamol, intravenous glucose, rifampicin, ethambutol, isoniazid, Furosemide, digoxin and prednisolone will be granted the customs exemptions in import.

As per the Myanmar Customs Tariff 2022, the other 21 types of medical drugs will be charged a 5 percent customs tariff; therefore apart from the listed 21 types, others will be charged a 1.5 percent customs tariff. Declarations shall be submitted with Obelisk Code 4 behind the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.

The Customs Department is regularly conducting scrutinizing, issuing and granting the import arrival of medical drugs related to Covid-19 treatment and prevention pharmaceuticals, medicines and pharmaceutical-related products.

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