Terrorists’ drones drop bombs on secondary school in Khin-U, Sagaing


NP News - Oct 23

A secondary school located in Khin-U township, Sagaing Region was attacked by drone bombs by the terrorists on 22nd October at an estimated 1:30 pm, authorities announced.

According to the statement released by the authorities, a total of six bombs were dropped by two drones by the terrorists targeting civilian areas in Magyiton village located in Khin-U.

One bomb directly fell on the school building; another one fell on the assembly field; and the rest fell on the paddy fields located 100 meters north of the school, the statement said.

Security forces that were taking guard in the surrounding areas shot back; therefore, the two drones flew toward the west of the village, according to the statement.

Roofs, ceilings, and school properties were damaged in the drone attack. The counter-terrorism forces are conducting an in-depth investigation to seize the terrorists who blindly dropped drone bombs on the school.

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