Peace-attending KNU/KNLA-PC leader’s home raided by insurgents
NP News - Nov 1
An #insurgent troop that hasn’t been identified yet raided, on 27 October, a house of the commander of Special 777-battalion of KNU/KNLA-PC, one of the ethnic armed forces that attended the 2022 #peace_talk, according to a statement released by the KNU/KNLA-PC.
The wife of the battalion command Col. Saw Win Kyaw died in the incident.
With regard to the insurgent raid, “His (Col. Saw Win Kyaw’s) wife died in the attack. He was safe for god sake. The insurgents raided and shot his house. We (the KNU/KNLA-PC) are intending to resolve the crisis and conflicts through a peaceful mean,” Major Saw Mu L Wah from KNU/KNLA-PC told NP News.
Peace Process Steering Team also released a statement on the incident and condemned the attack. “The KNU/KNLA-PC involves in a peaceful resolving course in the current political conflict,” the PPST statement said.
Myanmar has been struggling to restore peace after several decades-long complicated civil war with almost a hundred of EAOs.