AA’s informal ceasefire with Tatmadaw isn’t claimed by a superpower- Arakan Army


Hsu (NP News) - Nov 28

The #Rakhine ethnic armed force, the ‘#Arakan_Army’, and the State defense forces ‘#Tatmadaw’ have created an informal ceasefire, which the AA conducted not because of a superpower’s domination, Khine Thu Kha said.

The Spokesperson of the ULA/AA, Khine Thu Kha, addressed it during the press conference held today (28 November).

The informal ceasefire between the two groups was arbitrated by the chairman of the Japan Nippon Foundation, Mr. Sasakawa, said Khine Thu Kha continuing that exchanging firing is paused for the sake of local people who were crunched down by difficulties and challenges in the conflict.

“Looking forward to reducing the sufferings of the people from their grinding adversities, we made this decision. To be frank, there is one person behind who has been attempting to delineate peace in the region. That person is the chairman of the Japan Nippon Foundation, Mr. #Sasakawa. Thanks to his arbitration, the cease-fire has emerged.” Khine Thu Kha said.

He added, “The current ceasefire isn’t made by a written agreement. As this is the informal ceasefire, the armed clashes have the potentiality to be resumed at any time providing that one side triggered anything unbearable.”

Tatmadaw and the AA launched intense clashes in 2018 in Rakhine State. The armed conflicts ceased in 2020 under the mediation and assistance of Japan’s Nippon Foundation chairman Mr. Sasakawa.

In August 2022, both sides resumed fire exchange in Rakhine State.

The Chairman of Arakan Front Party (AFP), Dr. Aye Maung shows his cordial welcome on the ceasefire.

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