Authorities warn private hospitals to follow laws


NP News - Dec 29

The State Administration Council released a statement for #private_hospitals, #clinics, employers, and employees to follow the existing laws and regulations.

“Private hospitals and clinics in Mandalay should abide by the laws and provide safe medical services for the public with reasonable charges,” the SAC’s Information Team said.

Management teams, physicians, nurses, and other medical workers who are working at the private clinics and hospitals have to obey the laws related to medical and health sectors, the Information Team said.

Public hospitals and General Hospitals in Mandalay under the Ministry of Health are providing 24/7 services to the public,

The Law Relating to Private Health Care Services prescribes in its Section 43 (a) as follows.

34. “Whoever has obtained licence:

(a) in carrying out services at the place permitted under relevant licence, by virtue of the private health care services, carries out any other services without permission or licence with the exception of the matter prohibited under any existing law shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend from a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 5 years and may also be liable to a fine.”

(b) in carrying out services at the place permitted under relevant licence by virtue of the private health care services, violates the matter prohibited under any existing law shall, on conviction, be punished under relevant existing law.

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