KNDF sabotages power towers from 132 KV Biluchaung 2- Tigyit Station


NP News - Feb 10

Terrorists Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (#KNDF), also known as Kayah #PDF, uploaded a video clip in which the KNDF blew up the electricity supply towers and National Grids that line from the 132 KV Biluchaung 2- #Tigyit_Power Station on February 8.

The exploded electricity towers were located in Southern Shan State – Mongpai and Pekon townships.

As per reports, the abovementioned towers have been blown up at least ten times by the #terrorist KNDFs within two years: 2021-22. It has been 26 power towers that were sabotaged by the terrorists as of now, according to the information released by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy.

In addition, according to the ministry’s statistics, a total of 221 times the PDFs exploded and destroyed the power towers and stations across the country after they installed the armed insurrection under the title of #Spring_Revolution, which, in fact, later transformed into violence and terror acts.

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