80% of telecommunications fixed in Rakhine after catastrophic Mocha


Hsu/ Yoon (NP News) – May 24

The State Administration Council informed that repairing works on communication service have been done almost 80 percent of total damages. Over 600 mobile stations in Rakhine have been fixed.

There were 1233 mobile stations of four telecom operators in Rakhine before the Cyclone Mocha. Amongst, 904 stations were damaged in the storm on May 14.

Therefore, the maintenance works on fiber cables, microwave joint, cables in town and damaged mobile stations have been conducted with zealous efforts by the relevant departments and operators.

As per reports, more than 400 staff from different states and regions from communication department participated in the restoration work.

A total of 647 mobile stations have been fixed and 976 mobile stations are now back to refunctioning as of 23rd May. Therefore, it can be said that 79.16 percent of communication service is now back to function after the cyclone.

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