PDF terrorists attacked Monywa Technological University in defenseless moment of security forces


NP News – June 16

The local people reported that PDF terrorists attacked at the Monywa Technological University when the targeted place was unguarded and defenseless moment of the security forces.

As per information, a vehicle carrying PDF terrorists arrived and started shooting at an estimated 1 pm to the university compound on 14th June.

As it was the defenseless situation, three casualties occurred in the shooting out of four security forces who were at the university gate.

“The university is only about three miles away from Monywa Township. The schools and universities are now reopened. PDF deliberately shot them and there was a crossfire. Some of the security members passed away due to a sudden attack.” one of the Monywa local people said to NP News.

The allied groups of the PDF terrorists claimed responsibility for the attack. The groups involve Taw Kywe Gyi Guerilla Force, Golden Eagle Force-Monywa Force, Red Star Front Force, Ponnaka Guerrilla Force, and God of Monywa People Defence Force.

No statement has yet released by the State Administration Council’s information team with regard to the abovementioned attack.

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