Trucks can pass as damaged road on Asia Highway reconstructed with steel structure bridge


NP News – Aug 25

The Ministry of Construction informed that part of the road that was damaged in recent landslide on Asia Highway in Kayin State has been completed the reconstruction with 70 feet long steel structure bridge; and therefore, trucks can pass through on it.

The road on the Asia Highway located between Myawaddy and Kawkareik near Taw Naw waterfall was damaged a lot on August 7 in the torrential rain, because of which transportations were blocked.

The reconstruction project was led by the Ministry of Construction and it was finished on August 24.

Director General of the Road Transport Department Hla Tun Oo told NP News that “The road has been allowed passing since yesterday evening. The vehicles can pass through the bridge one by one. However, the bridge cannot stand for two-way transportations. And we have built a diversion for small cars to pass.”

It took 17 days to reconstruct the damaged road with the steel structure bridge. During which, the armed terrorists attacked and intervened the construction team a couple of times. Although no fatality occurred during their attacks, a worker was wounded in the shooting.

The Myawaddy-Kawkareik Asia Highway is important for Myanmar-Thai border trade route.

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