Urban guerilla in Loikaw kill civilians, at least 20 lost lives as of 19 Nov


NP News – Nov 20

On 19 November, two Buddhist novices were killed in a heavy explosion in Loikaw, Kayah State. Reports stated that at least 20 civilians have sacrificed their lives in the uprising urban guerilla conducted by the KNPP and PDF terrorists.

The artillery launched by the terrorists landed in Oatkkayon Pariyati monastery located in Naungya ward, Loikaw on the morning.

A resident said, “It (the heavy weapon) landed in the monastery compound while two novices were falling asleep. Both of them died on the spot. The buildings in the monastery were damaged a lot.”

The joint forces of terrorist groups KNPP and PDF launched urban guerilla terrorist attacks in Loikaw City on 11th November namely ‘Operation 11.11’.

Fire exchange between Tatmadaw forces and the terrorists is still ongoing in Loikaw City, in which at least 20 civilians lost their lives, according to the residents.

Two third of Loikaw residents have left the city and departed for cities and towns in southern Shan State to get shelters.

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