Authorities in Myawaddy announce ‘Shoot-to-Kill’ in curfew order to public


Khit/ Kyaw (NP News) – Dec 3

Myawaddy residents said that authorities in Myawaddy City informed the public with loudspeaker that Shoot-to-Kill order has been granted in the recently imposed curfew order in Myawaddy.

“The District General Administrative Department imposed section 144, the curfew order, recently. The authorities are reminding the public about the curfew from 10 pm to 4 am within the city,” Myawaddy resident said.

The report states that the authorities also informed the public that there is the ‘Shoot-to-Kill’ order had been granted in the curfew order.

As a matter of fact, the city residents could go out during the curfew time after they informed the authorities for some emergency or social cases.

Therefore, restaurants, stores and mini marts in Myawaddy City had to close earlier than before after the authorities had announced the aforesaid order to the public.

In addition, passing through the road near the departmental compound office located on Bayintnaung Road isn’t allowed in the evening, the report said.

On 1 December evening, the allied forces of KNU and PDF terrorists launched a drone bomb attack at the Myawaddy Trade Zone.

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