UEC chairman, Shan State Chief Minister reshuffled


NP News – Feb 1

The State Administration Council (SAC) has reshuffled some positions in the cabinet and the Union Election Commission on 31 January after the National Defence and Security Council meeting.

The chairman of the Union Election Commission (UEC) U Thein Soe has been allowed to retire for the health reason according to the Section 419 of the Constitution. U Thein Soe served as the UEC chairman in 2010-11 and 2021-24. The newly appointed UEC chairman is U Ko Ko.

The former Shan State Chief Minister U Aung Zaw Aye has been replaced by U Aung Aung.

In late 2023, clashes were intense between Tatmadaw and northern three alliance groups (Kokang MNDAA, Ta’ang TNLA, and Rakhine AA) in Shan State. Some Tatmadaw security outposts had to withdraw in the incidents.

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