4 development projects on progress by Rural Development Department with LMC Special Fund 2022


Tun Mon Thet (NP News) - Mar 29

NAYPYIDAW – A total of four development projects have been being implemented by the Department of Rural Development (DRD) of Myanmar in rural areas and villages, according to the information reported during the knowledge sharing workshop by the DRD in Naypyidaw last week.

The DRD held a knowledge sharing workshop on the ongoing rural development projects that were carried out primarily with the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund 2022 on 19 March in Naypyidaw at M Gallery Hotel.
The four projects involve two rural electrifi­cation projects, one rural water supply and one poverty reduction. The project implem­entation areas were Ywarthit Village in Bago Region, Ayeyawady Region, Kanma­wgyi Village in Taninthayi Region and Yayngangyi Village in Taninthayi Region.

The project developed in Ywarthit Village, Bago Region prioritized the infrastructure construction and building a model village with promoting socio-economic and living standards of the locals, capacity building and vocational training, public services, environmental conservation, knowledge sharing and technical assistance. The project name in Bago’s Ywarthit Village is ‘Initiatives for Establishment of Innovative model on Village-Level Poverty Reduction among LMC Countries Project’.

According to the statistics shared by the workshop, the project is being implemented with a total of US$ 330,600 of the LMC special fund 2022. Implemen­tations of the project have been commenced since November 2022 and it is projected to finish in October 2024.

“The projects in our village involved infrastructure building, supply for water accessibility, waste management and environmental related projects, and livestock and breeding. The villagers are very happy and satisfied with getting involved in those developing projects in our village,” said a villager U Thein Oo from Ywarthit Village adding that the villagers acknowledged that the projects are funded by China. He showed his gratitude to the project coordinators and the funded body.

U Thein Oo also commented that the surrounding villages also need such development projects and apart from those infrastructure constructions, they also hope to get improving in the education sector of the villages since there is only one branch of the middle school in Ywarthit Village.

Ma Theint Theint Phyo Wai is a 22-year old female villager of Ywathit Village. She learned tailoring and dressmaking from the LMC-funded vocational training in Ywathit Village. She said her life is changed after getting involved in the vocational training. Now, she can run a small-scaled business of dressmaking.

Remaining three projects were water supplies and electricity supplies. In Ayeyawady Region, ‘Community Based Rural Water Supply Facilities with Treatment System and Distribution Network Project’ is underway with total project fund US$ 370,443. Amongst, US$ 279,100 is from the LMC special fund 2022 and US$ 91,343 is con­tr­i­­­buted by the Central Government budget.

In Taninthayi Region, two pragmatic projects have been developing in Kanmawgyi Village and Yayngangyi Village. The projects are ‘Solar Mini Grid Electricity S­up­­ply and Water Supply Distribution Projects’.

The project in Kanmawgyi Village in Taninthayi Region is carried out with a total fund of US$ 850,900. Amongst, US$ 344,600 is funded by the LMC; US$ 165,940 is contributed by the State; US$ 85,714 by the public; and US$ 254,646 by the private companies. A total of 210 houses with 1050 individuals are expected to attain benefits from the said development projects in Kanmawgyi Village.

Turning into the project established in Yayngangyi Village in Taninthayi Region, the project is carried out with US$ 906,000 total funding; in which the LMC Special Fund 2022 funded US$ 377,800; the Central government US$ 165,800; and US$ 102,857 and US$ 259,543 are contributed by the public and the companies respectively. From those projects, an estimated number of 330 houses and 1,650 individuals will be benefitted in electricity accessibility and hygienic water access.

The DRD also is formulating three projects in rural areas with LMC Special Fund 2023 related to water and electricity supplies.

What is more, the DRD has proposed funds for a total of nine development projects to the LMC Special Fund 2024. The targeted areas involve Rakhine State, eastern Shan State and Ayeyawady Region, said Daw Nyo Nyo Win, Deputy Director General of the DRD.

According to the reports, there have been more than 100 projects in Myanmar formulated or ongoing by the China aided LMC fund; mostly in agriculture, infrastructures for water supply and mini-systems for electricity distribution at community based level.

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