Russia’s Rosatom completes feasibility study for small-scale nuclear power plant in Myanmar


Tun Mon Thet (NP News) - June 4

Reports state that the Rosatom of Russia and the Atomenergoprom, the joint venture company, have carried out a feasibility study to construct a small-scale nuclear power plant in Myanmar.

Reports also stated that Myanmar and Russia are projected to sign a contract for constructing a nuclear power plant that will produce 110 MW of electricity. As a matter of fact, the two countries agreed in 2023 for the collaboration on nuclear energy by peaceful means.

Since 2022, the Myanmar-Russia bilateral tie has been strengthening.
The Memo­r­an­dum of Unders­tan­ding for collabor­ation in nuclear ene­rgy in a peaceful way had already been signed between My­a­n­mar and Russ­ia in 2015 by the Ro­­s­a­tam and Myan­mar Min­istry of Science and Techn­ology.

The Mini­stry of Electric Power and the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Rosatom signed the roadmap for collaboration of nuclear energy in a peaceful way in 2022-23 and the very first nuclear information centre was opened in Myanmar in 2023.

Gold, forex rates skyrocketed
Gold price and forex rate have skyrocketed within a previous week with record-break numbers. Pure gold price per tical was around K5,800,000 while the currency exchange rate peaked at over K4,500 per dollar in the market.
Meanwhile, the reference rate for the currency exchange set by the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) still remains at K2,100 per dollar and the rates set by the private banks and authorized dealer banks were around K3,330 per dollar.
On the other side, the reference price for pure gold set by the Yangon Gold Entrepreneurs Association was around K4,000,0000 per tical.

This turmoil has resulted from inefficient government measures and other manipulations carried out by the ill-will individuals in the market that tend to contaminate the market mechanism.

Due to the unexpected soaring prices of gold and currency rate, basic and fundamental commodity prices also increased which put burdens on the majority of the populations. Thus, grassroots are encountering hardships in living and daily life.

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